Perhaps you have meandered into a sales office in a community being built by a national or regional builder.  The sales person wowed you with their “incentives” and perfectly staged model home.  You are 100% in for building a home and ready to sign on the dotted line.  Pump the brakes!

When building a new home, just like purchasing an existing home, it is imperative that you have quality representation in the form of a licensed Realtor.  Colony Realty has assisted numerous clients with purchasing new construction.  We know what questions to ask, what to steer clear of, and how to play the game.  Furthermore, we are able to lend you our team of professionals, from lenders and attorneys to contractors and inspectors.

One agent recalls having a client who had met with a national builder rep and received a quote to purchase a new home.  He was ready to sign the contract and put down a deposit.  The Colony Realty agent noticed that the builder had a 10′ x 10′ deck on the contract at a cost of $12,000.  The agent contacted her deck builder and he said he could do it for $6,000.  The Buyer immediately struck that line item out.  Additionally, the builder was not providing closing cost assistance.  The Colony Realty agent was able to negotiate on her client’s behalf to get his closing costs paid by the builder.

The best part about using a Realtor when building a home is that you have an advocate in your corner.  The second best thing about it, is that it costs you nothing!  In conclusion, call us if you are thinking of building a home or purchasing new construction…it could save you a lot of headache and money!